Thanks to the evolution of technology, installing a Microsoft Exchange Server is not as complicated as you might think. You just need to follow a few important steps to get it done. Here are some of those steps.
Connect to Microsoft Exchange
First of all, it is important to point out a few essential points before starting the installation of a Microsoft Exchange . Basically, it's all about checking the status of the mailbox. To do this, click over here now to see if there is a recently created mailbox for the user on the Microsoft Exchange server you wish to use. In fact, this is what will allow you to indicate the credentials of the configured user. Only after this verification can you click on the "next" button in the welcome window.
Then select "yes" and click "next". This will give you the hand to insert the name of the Microsoft Exchange server. Also note that the previous step must be followed before entering the name of the user created in the mailbox. Finally, click on "Finish" and then on "OK".
The next step is to click on "Tools", "Rules and Alerts" and "New Rule". This will take you to the "Start from a new rule" and "Check messages when they arrive" option before clicking "next". You will then see the "Step 2" option. Here, click on "Specific words". Then enter the AVAILABILITY CHECK before clicking on "Add", "OK" and "Next". You will then find the email editor followed by a subject line area. It is in this area that you must enter the following text "CHECK RECEIVED: MAILBOX AVAILABLE". After all that, you must close the editor by clicking on "Yes" to save the changes, "Finish" and "OK".
Configure the Exchange account from the Windows control panel
There are two ways to set up an Exchange account from the Windows Control Panel. One is the automatic way and the other is the manual way. For automatic configuration, access your computer's control panel before adding a new email account. Then select "email account" and click "Next. As for the manual method, it is done in almost the same way as the previous one. But there are more steps involved.