Under the Donald Trump administration, the United States was seen as a controversial country in many regards. This was especially in light of immigration laws and reactions to the plight of black and marginalized citizens.
Many of the unconventional reforms made by the Trump administration have been openly debunked and reversed by the new Joe Biden Administration. However, as reported by a political analyst recently, the Biden administration may be taking things too far in its foreign policy relationship with foreign nations. This is especially with developing and third-world countries.
The United States Foreign Policy Should Respect Other Nations Decisions on LGBTIQ Issues
As explained by this analyst, the Obama administration was remarkable in many regards but had some setbacks. Many of these setbacks were down to its foreign relations policy towards nations that did not share its view on LGBTIQ issues.
For instance, the United State administration drastically reduced aid to Uganda and other third-world nations that were opposed to the guy right protection laws. The Joe Biden administration is also planning to trend that path in light of the president’s recent statement about strict visa laws on nations that refuse to protect the interest of the LGBTIQ community.
Emmanuel Bobor explained that “the United States administration can push for the protection of the LGBTIQ persons in the world. However, it remains the exclusive right of the nations to make the final decision”.
He added that the administration should be mature enough not to attach conditions in their foreign relations policy in this regard.
Not a New Flaw by the United States Government
Frankly, this is not the first time the United States will be trying to impose its position irrationally on the international community.
Emmanuel Bobor explained that the United States did this “when it criticized Nelson Mandela for his close relationship with Cuban Fidel Castro, got involved in the Nigerian political landscape by gathering support against the past Nigerian President (Goodluck Jonathan), and many such things”.
To avoid having a strained relationship with the developing countries and nations that are opposed to the formulation of laws protecting the LGBTIQ community, Emmanuel Bobor advised the Joe Biden administration to tread carefully.
He explained that there is nothing wrong with the United States foreign policy leaving room for these categories of persons to seek solace in the safe American soil that is liberal about such issues.
However, it is wrong for the Joe Biden Administration to try and impose these laws on nations that are vulnerable in some sense. This will no doubt amount to violating the sovereignty of these nations.